Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Orson Scott

Comment preview: Yeah between him saying 'Ang' and the 'we're leaking' part I have a really hard time convincing myself this was just a monumental coincidence and I happened to pick up some random conversation. It's just one of those things that go beyond the realm of coin ....

Comment preview: Google could do that and was using background information to direct advertisements. Dog barking? Buy dog food! Here's a freaky story for you (which is probably a total coincidence but still freaked me out and slightly related). A year ago my SO sister was ....

Comment preview: I was going through a lot of personal turmoil. I had been contemplating suicide and my former Air Force supervisor found out what was happening with me and begged me to call and talk to him. After about a week and a half I finally reached out and called hi ....

Comment preview: You know there's a lot of confirmation bias that goes into these studies and anecdotes. People always look for the things twins (especially identical twins) have in common and often ignore where they're different. - Common medical history? that's kind of t ....

Comment preview: We were having dinner one night, winter, so it was dark outside. All sitting at the table. Rosie, the imaginary friend, was having dinner with us too. She needed to go to the toilet and left the table and went down the hallway. As she neared the toilet ....

Comment preview: The doll was found beside a busy street in Singapore. The Arabic word on the cloth is translated as 'Allah'. Stories from twitter revealed that the doll is possessed and has been moving around on its own when the original owner isn't home. She binded the e ....

Comment preview: Had a dream where I: 1. Wake up and go to work on a Friday 2. Boss isn't there but 5 other coworkers are 3. 2/5 leave at lunch and won't be back 4. At 3pm another leaves due to an emergency 5. At 4pm the last 2 leave because they aren't getting any work do ....

Comment preview: I wouldn't necessarily call this a freaky coincidence, more of bitter ironical luck: In the Ancient Mediterranean, Carthage was the largest power due to their large commercial/military fleet that brought them huge prosperity. In 500 BC, Carthage basically ....

Comment preview: Happened to my co-worker, but I'll steal it since it's still the freakiest thing I've ever heard. Really long story, so I'll try to shorten it as best I can for the internet. His best friend has kid #3, turns out kid is really sick with something that wasn ....

Comment preview: I have a really good one! When I was 13 and my (now deceased) sister was 14, we decided, after watching an old movies about ouija boards, to make our own. Since our house was being renovated at the time, there were tons of materials in the backyard that we ....

Comment preview: Waiting for my daughters' dance to finish down by Lake Ontario I decided to go near the water's edge to check out the stars (I'm into amature astronomy and looking over the lake is the darkest sky in my city). I'm looking at Orion and I notice a very brigh ....

Comment preview: The night coincidences scared the piss out of me. Maybe two days after The Ring opened in theaters, watched a late show with my girlfriend spending some time being scared shitless and some time making out. Coming home as a young me having just made some ti ....

Comment preview: Human beings are largely irrational and emotionally-lead, and hence generally find emotional appeals more convincing than reasoned, logical ones - this should not be news to anyone with even a passing interest in psychology. Likewise, this is not really su ....

Comment preview: With paragraph breaks and fomatting: I don't believe in bigfoot and never thought much of extraterrestrial life except for the fact that we are probably not the only ones, then that all changed. I cant remember the exact date but it was between January 16 ....

Comment preview: Roy "Human Lightning Conductor" Sullivan -who have the dubious honor of being the person struck by the most lightning strikes.. (sort-of freaky coincidence??) 7 verified strikes -This is one unlucky guy I know this is a long post, but it's worth the read ....

Comment preview: story time! So, I am a delivery driver for a "freaky fast gourmet sandwich" place. There is a ["T intersection](http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/research/safety/04091/images/fig014.jpg) in our delivery zone that we use regularly. There was a [60's brig ....

Comment preview: AHHH! I have always wanted to post my experience on reddit but didn't want the flood of negative comments and such with everyone telling me I was batshit or exaggerating. This happens to me so very often. I will have periods of time, sometimes weeks or mon ....

Comment preview: Posted a while back: So..a friend and I are at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery late one night when out of the blue I get a call from my Mom and she starts screaming at me to "stop messing around" and "what you did is NOT funny". When I finally got her to stop yelli ....

Comment preview: I once wrote an article about George Lucas and his midget fetish. It is a real thing. He was a producer on Land Before Time, the animated movie with the dinosaurs, which had Judith Barsi as the voice of Ducky... and she was only a little girl... but she wa ....

Comment preview: I don't know how or why I have this ability, but I absolutely hate it. Sure, it sounds great on paper, being able to control anyone you want and make them think that it's their idea but... the phrase, "With great power comes great responsibility," is very ....